Print by Dado

Print by Dado

Dado – Audio documents

Messages left by Dado on the webmaster’s answerphone regarding their collaboration. (In French)

June 19, 2008

Dado comments on the photograph of his mother and grandfather chosen for the biographical timeline. He also evokes the choice of the links to Géricault’s The Severed Heads at to the National Museum of Fine Art at Stockholm (on the page for Collateral Damage) and to Van Eyck’s Last Judgement (in the piece by Alice Bellony-Rewald). Lastly, he refers the Portrait of an Old Man and a Young Boy by Ghirlandaio in the Louvre Museum, and the drawing of the same old man in the National Museum of Fine Art in Stockholm.

July 19, 2008

Dado muses on the music accompanying the Birds of Auschwitz.

July 30, 2008

Dado announces a new work for the Collateral Damage page.

August 26, 2008

Dado reads an extract from an article on the Slavs in an old edition of a Larousse he wants reproduced on the Collateral Damage page.

September 18, 2008 at 11h55

Dado speaks about his 1954 picture Adam and Eve, taking the opportunity of making a profession of Darwinist faith. Dado also reads an extract from the Sickness unto Death by Kierkegaard:
« Pour rendre la chose par une image, supposez une coquille échappant à un auteur, une coquille douée de conscience – qui n’en serait peut-être pas une au fond, mais, à tout prendre de très haut, un trait intégrant de l’ensemble – et qu’en révolte alors contre l’auteur elle lui défende par haine de la corriger et lui jette, dans un défi absurde : non ! Tu ne me bifferas pas, je resterai comme un témoin contre toi, comme un témoin que tu n’es qu’un piètre auteur ! »
(“To explain by an image, suppose a shell escaping from a creator, a shell gifted with consciousness – that at bottom might perhaps not really be one, but, to take things from a great height, is an integral feature of the whole – and then rebelling against its creator, in its hatred forbids him to punish it, barking out the absurd challenge. ‘No! You will not eliminate me, I will remain here as a witness against you, as a witness to what a rotten creator you are!’”)
He concludes by referring to Emil Cioran’s Précis de décomposition.

September 18, 2008 at 12h19

Dado talks about the title of his pictiure of 1955 The End of the World, inspired by a phrase by the Montenegrin poet Aleksandar Leso Ivanovć: “Each death is an end of the world.”

October 8, 2008

Dado lists new works for his Imaginary Museum:

November 8, 2008

Dado refers to still more paintings to go in his Imaginary Museum:

February 9, 2009

Message left by Dado from his mobile telephone from the intensive care unit where he was hospitalized. Dado plans to put on the website the drawings he made on paper hankerchiefs at the hospital.

Print by Dado