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Franz Schubert, Quatuor 15 (extract) by the Wiener Konzerthaus Quartet
Ephemeral sculpture created especially for the virtual anti-museum and destroyed after photographs were taken by Domingo Djuric in April 2008 and March 2009.
First edition of Garden, Ashes with a dedication handwritten by Danilo Kiš: “Dear Dado, as a letter, for your Lady and you, Danilo Kiš, Belgrade, April 21, 1967”
Homage To Danilo Kiš, 2007, painted bronze, 45 × 18,5 × 47 cm. Bocquel fondeur. Photo: Philippe Ferrari.
Homage To Danilo Kiš, 2007, painted bronze, 45 × 18,5 × 47 cm. Bocquel fondeur. Photo: Philippe Ferrari.